

If your backend is hosted on a domain with a path (e.g., localhost:8000/api), ensure that the environment variable (VITE_API_BASE_URL) is correctly set. Note that if the URL does not end with a slash, redirections may occur.

Documenting with JSDoc

JSDoc cannot fully parse TypeScript-style import syntax. Instead of:

 * @param {import('../myfolder/myfile.js').MyType} myParam

simply use the type name. For React components, either export the component after its definition or annotate with @function and @constructor:

 * @function MyComponent
 * @param {Object} props
 * @param {MyType1} props.prop1
 * @param {MyType2} props.prop2
 * @returns {JSX.Element}
 * @constructor
export default function MyComponent({ prop1, prop2 }) {
  // ...


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